Never Tear Us Apart – INXS
Never Tear Us Apart – INXS Another one hit of brothers influences, fantastic rock band. This song of theirs is so powerful, the lyrics really sum up how a strong relationship can’t be undone. Michael Hutchence was an awesome front man, you see him strutting around on stage. Great voice, good looks and attitude, front man tick list complete. I’ve been to Oz a couple of times, obviously INXS were huge out there, it just so happened we knew one of their accountants. The whole love story between Michael and Kylie was so weird, talk about opposites attract. Then add to that how he stole Paula Yates away from Bob Geldof , talk about rock and roll lifestyle and go against this songs meaning, he tore apart a few hearts and relationships. I remember being in my friends rented flat in Bournemouth, sitting waiting for Football Focus to start on TV when Michael's death was the main headline on the lunchtime news. We went clubbing that night and the DJ threw in few of his tunes which was u...