Gimme All Your Lovin' – ZZ Top

Gimme All Your Lovin' –  ZZ Top

Ok so now were not PC, this opens with a the sound of the cool ZZ Hot Rod, then the drums crash in. The guitars start and don't give up throughout. Great shouty vocals, silly lyrics, it's a total love song. The video is every teenage boys dream, hot cars and girls. Wonder why I feel for this one. ZZ Top are awesome, totally weird looking crazy folk with huge beards and attitudes. They know how to Rock and they don't disappoint with their huge anthems.

None of their songs would probably even get released in today's world, "She's got legs and she knows how to use them." Legs and songs like Sharp Dressed Man are of there time, and I'm just glad they were around when I needed music like that. Like a boomerang I need a repeat.

I fell into ZZ Top as they had done a cover of Elvis' Viva Las Vegas, we happened to go there on holiday back in the early 90's and I wanted a song to overdub when we cruised the famous Strip on our holiday video. Music wasn't that easy to get hold of then, I couldn't find the Elvis' version so used ZZ's cover. Loved it and followed it up, much to my delight most of their other tracks also set the LEDs on my graphic equalizer jumping.

ZZ Top were, at least in my opinion, what I call a real band, guitars, bass and drums. A few good front mean belting out hard rocking songs, just for fun and the trill of getting a crowd going.

Favoutite lyric :  I got to have a shot / 'Cause what you got is, oh, so sweet / You got to make it hot / Like a boomerang I need a repeat


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