I Feel Good – James Brown

I Feel Good – James Brown

In my last post I had a reference to James Brown, as I said I’m not a huge fan, but he’s another artist that I think changed the musical landscape. His funk, just blew the doors of soul music, the horns and the cat calls added so much life and anger to a once gentle art form. I’ve captured his influence across my own musical journey through films like The Commitments and The Blues Brothers to Good Morning Vietnam. Anywhere where there needed a burst of passion and noise, they just added Mr Brown.

Songs like this one and Papas Got A Brand New Bag, seem to pop onto my playlists almost by accident but they always take me somewhere special when they appear. You get the impression this guy was totally in charge, no one was going to put him down or control what he sang or how he sang it. Straight from his heart to your ears. The give and response between the singer and the band is amazing in this song, real power in that vocal. The horns just rip, I bet his live shows were amazing. The backing in this is so driven you can help but tap your feet or better still get up and do your best James Brown dance moves (watch those knees.) Then he dropped songs like It's A Man's World that would melt any heart.

I Feel Good is a strong thing to say, most people wouldn’t be that forceful in telling you about themselves. Most songs are sympathetic and looking for the listeners approval. Apparently this one started out as 'I Found You' and then 'I Got You' before the hit came with this version.

Favourite lyric: And when I hold you in my arms / My love won't do you no harm


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