Wheels of Steel – Saxon

Wheels of Steel – Saxon

This is a mad rock song, proper old school head down banger. I had this on lots of Rock compilation albums. It’s another one of those songs that brings back memories of great pub bands, fun nights out and holidays with my mates. There was a period of time I was very into my rock music, the guitar riffs and long solos. Kicking base lines and heavy drums, lots of screaming vocals and no real point to the lyrics. Wheels of Steel was an expression used as a way of describing cool motorbikes and riding them to fast. Think Easy Rider and the like. This whole lyric is a homage to every bikers dream, but it's just an excuse to rock out. Turn it up and blow your speakers.

This sort of music gets a bad wrap now and it has become quite ridiculed, but like all musical movements it started with real bands crashing out worthwhile songs, but then went onto to become a parody of its self. Artists took it to ridiculous lengths, Bat Out Of Hell anyone? But who cares, it's fun and gives us old men something we can still claim as our own.

The metal reference makes this sound should be a hard rocker, we are on our way to heavy metal territory. Even the band name Saxon sorts of gives the game away to that these guys mean business.

Wheels of steel also became a way of describing DJs that used two turntables at gigs.

 Favourite lyric : I've got a 68 Chevy with pipes on the side / You know she's my idea of beauty, that's what I drive


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