You're the First, the Last, My Everything – Barry White


You're the First, the Last, My Everything – Barry White

I've recently been learning about music syncing, which is where songs are placed into TV shows and movies. There is a big market for this now with so many more TV channels and streaming services, as well as big Hollywood movies. Each placement can earn good money depending on where it's being used and factors such as how much of the song is used.

It got me thinking about TV shows I can remember that used music most effectively. There was a series on Channel 4 in the UK back in the late 90's called Ally McBeal, it was the story of a young lawyer that had moved to Boston. She was having lots of life issues at the time, for example her ex boyfriend happened to work at the same law practice, as did his wife. The funny thing about this show was music was almost one of the characters, there was the usual background incidental music of course, but each of the main characters also had a theme song that played in their head. The producers had chosen songs that basically summed up the characters personality, a clever way of showing the differences between them. In the show there was a bar downstairs from the office where they had a resident band who featured every week. Vonda Shepard was the lead singer and she sang her own songs and many covers, the rest of the cast would often break into song in karaoke scenes etc. So there was a ton of music used in this show.

One of the partners in the law firm had this great song as his theme tune,  he had visions of grandeur when it came to his love life. He wasn't the biggest or most handsome of men, but with this song running in his head, it gave him the confidence to think he was god's gift. I wasn't a huge Barry White fan before this show, but they used this song most episodes along with other of Barry's hits. Just hearing it now makes me smile and as theme songs go I think he picked good one.

Favourite lyric : You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star / My kind of wonderful, that's what you are


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