Spirit In The Sky – Norman Greenbaum


Spirit In The Sky – Norman Greenbaum


This song seems to haunt me, it keeps popping up all over the place. My generation know it as a very random hit by 'Doctor and the Medics' from 1986, but the original by Norman Greenbaum is now my preferred version. The sound is a bit dirtier and rockier, the guitar in there almost sounds like a police siren, it swirls round in the background. Really catchy tune, proper Rock drumming before it was ever a genre in it's self.

The subject matter is obviously not to everyone's beliefs but that doesn't take away a positive theme and it's not preaching. This was out smack bang in the hippie era, plenty of long hair on this one. Apparently Norman had seen Porter Wagoner, the Country artist, singing a gospel song on TV and thought I could easily do one of those and had the words done in 15 minutes. The fact he was Jewish has nothing to do with it.

I have this song on loads of compilations, but also associate it with a recent holiday I had at a holiday camp. Quite often at these venues they have an old fashioned dance floors and any serious dancers in the crowd like to show off their Strictly skills. Such a couple used to request this song from the DJ each night just to parade their routine which was very intricate and stylish. Keep dancing!

Oh. Did you remember that Gareth Gates did a version!

Favourite lyric : When I die and they lay me to rest / Gonna go to the place that's the best


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