Scream & Shout – ft. Britney Spears


Scream & Shout – ft. Britney Spears

We are at the semi final stage of The Voice UK, as usual is one of the judges and watching it the other night reminded me how annoying he can be. But saying that he's obviously very musically knowledgeable and can craft and produce amazing pop songs. Then this tune hit my iPhone on my usual shuffle through iTunes, yes I know I'm old school but at least I'm not still on cassettes. I have quite a few NOW albums on there, this fell out of the Club Hits one. Which I suppose it would as it references going clubbing throughout.

I was never really a Britney fan either, when she started out I was in the Christina Aguilera camp, but as always I've grown to like Ms. Spears back catalogue. She's had her own Toxic issues as all good pop stars tend to do when they have lived with fame from too young an age.

There's something about the beat of this song and it's references which make me remember how much I used to love being on the dance floor of a banging night club. I was in that 1990s era, of what I would call the Charlie Brown school of dancing, you'd have to had watched Peanuts cartoons to know what I mean by that. But let's just say it was knees up and arms everywhere sort of fast windmilling. Very energetic and fun. This song was released in 2012 so I doubt I ever danced to it in an actual club, but I reckon I could have 'brought the action.' And to be fair, it does make me want to Scream and Shout probably not for the same reasons intended but that's his problem.

Like all good EDM tunes it's more about repetitive notions than instruments, you can almost hear the clock ticking or is that your heart beating. The lyrics are just a mess of references to having a good night out, but they set the scene and long may there be night clubs for us to 'Hear the beat, now let's hit the floor'.

Favourite lyric : I wish this night would last forever / 'Cause I was feeling down and now feel better


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