I'm Sorry – Brenda Lee

I'm Sorry – Brenda Lee

I'm sorry but this is a quality tune. It's like a daydream set to music, so soothing, Brenda's voice verses the violins is a match made in heaven. You believe every word, the spoken part sounds so sad, she was totally taken in and now she's sorry. As apologies go this one would take some beating.

Being young is no excuse, but Brenda was 15 when she recorded this, you'd never believe it from the quality of her voice. Her vulnerability as a teenage girl comes across in the words and it's a fair representation of how two worlds, being young vs mature, collide as the backing is so sophisticated and grown up sounding.

The lyrics aren't exactly Shakespeare but get their point across very well, there is a sense of upset and they express the pain of a break up and wrong doing. Song's like this with their big production and professional musicianship always seem to flow so well, I love the pure sound not bad for 1960.

Brenda's Sweet Nothin's is also a great song.

Favourite lyric : You tell me mistakes / Are part of being young / But that don't right / The wrong that's been done


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