She Sells Sanctuary – The Cult

She Sells Sanctuary – The Cult

So I was in my late teens, managed to basically ignore all the current 1980s music and was looking to expand my musical horizons past the record collection of my parents that I had been listening to through my teenage years. Along comes Indie music.
I was out shopping in Woolworths in Hornchurch, one Saturday afternoon in 1993. Woolworth’s was one of them shops you could buy basically anything and they had just expanded into selling records and cassettes in this small store. I picked up this cassette, basically because the cover was yellow and looked really cool. It was a complication album called "Suddenly Loaded", it had all the best Indie songs from that era spread over it's two sides. Trouble being I hardly knew any of the songs or artists, apart from one Radiohead song. Now knowing me it was probably on special offer, I took it home and stuck it in my stack system. Side A was inspiring and then I had to take out the cassette and flip it over to side B, this was before auto reverse had been added to tape decks. Anyway the first song came on, it sounded like I’d not put the cassette into the player properly as it was all echoing guitar and warped, then suddenly the drums kicked in and I had found another life anthem. What a tune, didn’t even get to the second song, just rewound it and did it all again.
I knew nothing more of this band The Cult, I’ve looked them up for posting here and it seems they were quite successful. This track came out in 1985 and didn't even bother the top 10, but for this one tune I thank The Cult and say they helped me on my journey. Never really understood the lyrics at the time and couldn’t make out the words, but I thought this noise was immense. Looking up the lyrics for this blog, I was surprised how little content there is to them and it's more of a chant than a story. But all that doesn't matter if it connected with you at time.
I've been looking up the running order of that album and other huge tunes of note on there were :
I had a big period of my life that this music spoke for me and it was the perfect continuation of the guitar bands from my parents music.

Favourite lyric : And the fire in your eyes keeps me alive / Inside her you'll find sanctuary


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