
Mor-e-ah Songwriter

Hi, my name is Kevin O'Brien, from the UK, I'm a songwriter who writes under the name of Mor-e-ah.

Music is my passion, be it listening to it or creating it, couldn't live without it. I've been writing lyrics for nearly 30 years, songwriting is my therapy, getting my feelings out there, telling stories and speaking my truth.

My own music is heavily influenced by the music I’ve heard all my life, I’ve been very lucky to have such a varied musical background. Different family members and friends have turned me onto lots of artists, bands and tastes throughout the decades and music movements. I love just about all types of music, probably some I shouldn’t admit to. But I believe there are really only two types of music. Good and Bad. And the best thing about that is it’s all down to personal choice, no two people like the same exact music. If you would like to hear some of my own music please visit my website

Welcome to my Blog, 'Mor-Than-Words.' I’ve nicked the name from a great song from 1991 by a band called Extreme (More Than Words.) This title basically sums up what I truly think about music, its more than just words set to a melody and beats. A song is someone’s way of expressing themselves, letting you know what they feeling or a message that needs to be heard. Be that happy or sad, making you want to dance or cry. There are so many types of music all sparking their own emotions and all needed at different stages of our lives. Music brings people together across all ages, backgrounds, it's a universal language. It can help us express ourselves, be a great explainer or comforter, it adds to all those special occasions, places and memories. There aren’t many times in your life from your own intro to when your song finishes that doesn’t have a soundtrack.

So I thought I would try and explain some of my influences song by song, in no particular order, just random songs that either mean something special to me or I think need to be better known by music lovers everywhere. How we consume music now has changed a lot from when I was young, you had to invest in your music collection back then, actually go to a shop with hard cash and bring something home in your carrier bag. There was even a manual process to listening to it, insert your cd or cassette and press the ‘play’ button on your stereo, or put your latest record onto your turntable and give it a spin.  

Now most people find new music using the bread crumb system where one track leads to another suggested by their favourite streaming service, I’m not knocking it, I’ve found some great music that way myself. But every now and then I feel like you should put your flag in the sand and say these tunes are me.

So here we go, please find ‘My world of music’. Hope you enjoy at least some of selections and the stories that go with them.


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